Shelley Star is an interplanetarily renowned performer. With fellow artists of her home Planet Glam in tow, she uses her multidisciplinary talents of song, dance, and theatrics to explore a brand new musical universe. With influences like Lady Gaga, The Killers, and ABBA, Shelleyand her band The Galaxy blend the future and past of great music to be experienced in the present timeline.
Based in Washington, D.C, Bryce Bowyn juxtaposes familiar, late 2000s pop soundscapes with self-aware, cutting lyricism. Bowyn’s anthemic electropop tracks have captivated audiences throughout the nation’s capital and beyond.
ViRG is a synth-based indie rock band from Virginia formed by Piano Whitman. ViRG is centered around femininity and freedom while highlighting the whiplash of an unstable lifestyle, guilt, and the devastation of love. Whitman’s commanding voice is reinforced by intricate, lush synthesizers and strong rhythms produced by both drum-machines and acoustic percussion. Fans of both straight ahead indie-pop songwriting or the moody tech excursions of ‘Kid A’ will find something to enjoy in ViRG’s repertoire.